- Hair is best dyed one day old. So shower the day before and the color will take best to your hair when all your natural oils are present.
- Wear a t-shirt that you don't wear anymore or one that already has stains on it because I can guarantee you will get dye on your shirt. Don't ruin a good t-shirt!
- Keep a wet wash cloth (preferably a older one!) to wipe up any hair dye you may drop on the sink, ground, etc. Chances are you might just drip a little bit down and you don't want your nice tile or white sink stained a dirty brown because you didn't wipe it up or missed it! (I've done it before!)
- Ever get stains from your hair dye along your hair line or ears...or even face? Try applying vasoline right along your hair line, but not on it, and the vasoline protects the dye from staining your face. :]
- Keep a nice size hair clip handy to clip up your hair when you have to wait for the dye to set.
- After you've applied the dye and put your hair up in a clip, try putting a shower cap, or even a plastic bag (tied close to your head) to trap the heat from your head, allowing the dye to penetrate your hair better. This also helps to keep it mess free too while waiting!
- Dying your hair can be simple, but sometimes you just need a friend or family member to help you get the spots you sometimes can't get.
- Your hair length shoulder length or longer? I suggest you buy TWO boxes of your color of choice. Don't want to realize after you emptied the first bottle on just your roots, that you DID need that second box of hair dye. Better SAFE than SORRY!
I hope this helped guys. I know some of you are thinking, well aren't these tips common sense? Some people are new to this hair dying stuff and if I would of had these tips when I first began, my bathroom would be a lot less spotted, and I would of saved a lot of money too. Hair dye is a fun way to change up your look whether you want to do darker or lighter. If you make a mistake, don't be afraid. Hair always grows back ;D hah.
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