Friday, December 17, 2010

Here I am

My name is Alleigh or Miss Alleigh. I just started this little blog up to jot some ideas down. Mainly, this blog will revolve around my personal fascinations around makeup but with some hair, and fashion sprinkled in.  Occasionally, I may post off topic blogs, but I will try to stick with my main focus, beauty.

I really should be writing a paper or two for finals, but I guess I want to get some thoughts down about beauty and my beauty story. I've always been one secretly interested in fashion and beauty, but always knew because of my plus size status (PSS) (yes even then I knew I wasn't like other girls in my class), that I'd never become a model. Don't we all want to be a model at one time or another? I moved through several other unrelated careers throughout my childhood unrelated to the fashion and beauty world, until I reached clothing designer. I even drew up outfits on models. Let's say that dream died when I realized I lack talent in the drawing/creativity department.

A couple years ago, I started watching videos on Youtube, looking for a hair style for some random (read: unimportant) event. From then on, I'd watch random vloggers discussing hair, makeup, etc. and I became so fascinated with makeup, that I'd spend hours watching videos, soaking up all the information like a sponge. At this point, I'm still getting started, and wouldn't consider myself still learning about the makeup world, but my friends occasionally come to me asking about what they can do/use, and maybe if I have any ideas for them. I'm always flattered! I love doing makeup. It's my artistic release even if I'm not the best at it. Practice makes almost perfect and I'm always looking for new guinea pigs to continue practicing on.

Beauty to me is a harmonious mix of aesthetically pleasing features, confidence and physical/personal preferences. Each culture, society, sub-culture, geographic location and time period have different ideas of beauty and usually each of these affect an individuals perception of beauty. 

Lets finish this blog with my basics:

I'm 22 years old.
I'd say my style is eclectic: a mixture of classic preppy with twists of hardcore (think pearls, cardigan and a lip piercing). My style is fluid but pretty steady.

I use mostly drug store brands of makeup, but do not limit myself (sometimes my bank account does though!)
In my collection, I have everything from E.L.F to Cover Girl, to Nyx to Bourjois to MAC. My MAC collection is slowly but surely growing.

This blog will contain several different types of posts but not limited to:

Tutorials/ How-to's
Alleigh's Favorites/Hates
Product Versus

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